Home for Christmas: A Mom’s Heartfelt Reflection

Hello, friends and fellow moms!

As I sit down to share this little piece of my heart with you, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude.

As a mom, Christmas has always been my favorite time of year, and this year, it's even more special with both our boys coming home for the holidays. Yes, this proud mom's heart is doing a little happy dance!

Being a mom during the holidays feels like being the chief happiness officer of the family and I am here for it!

There's this incredible joy in transforming our home into a cozy winter wonderland, with the familiar aroma of our favorite family recipes passed down. It's a beautiful reminder of the love baked into every cookie and square.

With our favorite holiday tunes playing in the background, we gather around the table for board games, followed by a holiday movie marathon. So, whether we're caught up in the excitement of playing board games together, savoring the timeless tradition of watching classics like "Home Alone," or simply enjoying some holiday cheer, it's the shared laughter and the precious memories we create each year that make these moments so special.

Reflecting on our holiday traditions just brings me right back to when the boys were little. There is something both heartwarming and a little nostalgic in seeing our kids grow up, you know? The days may feel long, but the years pass by in the blink of an eye. It seems like just yesterday that our boys were wide-eyed with wonder on Christmas morning, tearing through the wrapping paper. Now, they're young men with dreams and aspirations of their own. Every moment with them is precious, and I find myself savoring the simple joys – a shared laugh over a board game, a heartfelt conversation by the fireplace, or a quiet moment of reflection while I sip my tea. Time slips through our fingers, and in these moments, I am reminded to be fully present, embracing the memories we are making together.

So, to all you new moms out there, navigating the crazy and wonderful world of baby's first Christmas, I see you. Hold on to those messy, adorable moments, the smeared baby food on your shoulder, the giggles during tummy time. Cherish those tiny fingers wrapping around yours and the joy that radiates from their innocent eyes.

To the moms hoping to or thinking about starting a family next year, I send you love and hopeful vibes on your journey. Parenthood is full of surprises and tender moments. Just know, whenever you decide to take that plunge, there's a whole tribe of us cheering you on.

For the moms experiencing a quieter Christmas with an empty nest, I get it! The mix of nostalgia and the excitement of reunions can tug at the heartstrings. But let's take comfort in the joy of having our loved ones back home, whether they're coming from around the block or across the country.

As we embrace our own Christmas traditions, I encourage you to grab a cookie (or two), cozy up with your loved ones,  create and cherish your own traditions, whether it's a special ornament for each family member, a secret family recipe, a friendly ugly Christmas sweater competition or a beloved holiday movie marathon, these traditions become the memories that will continue on for future generations.

In offering you a small glimpse into our family life, I extend my warmest wishes to you and your family this Christmas and throughout the coming year. May your home be filled with love, laughter, and the magic that only the holiday season can bring. May the new year bring you moments of joy, growth, and beautiful memories with your loved ones.

From my heart to yours, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

With love,

xo Tracey


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